203 words | 1.6 minute read
In 2017, a study out of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel indicates that the placebo effect can increase creativity.
They recruited two groups of people who were given creativity tests. Prior to each test, one group was asked to smell something pungent and told it would increase their creativity. A second group also smelled the odour, but were NOT told it would increase their creativity. The group who believed the smell would improve their creativity performed significantly better at the creativity test.

Proof, in my books, that once we KNOW, or are reminded that we are creative beings, we are more likely to find ourselves capable of generating new ideas.
Of all the species on this precious planet, humans are unique in that we are innately creative beings. We forget this as we leave our childhood behind. We forget it so well, we think we can’t possibly be inventive or original. This study proves that if you believe you’re creative, you are.
So, what are you going to create today?
A business? A compelling social post? Maybe you’ll employ your brilliance to solve an important problem. All you need to do is remind yourself that you were born creative.